Council Agendas

Friday, December 7, 2007

A. 1. - A. 5.

A. Consent:

1. Approval of the November 20, 2007 and December 4, 2007 City Council meeting minutes.

2. Bid # 07-74 Benchmark Construction of NWA, Inc: A resolution awarding Bid # 07-74 and approving a contract with Benchmark Construction of NWA, Inc. in the amount of $142,868.85 for development of David Lashley Park; and approving a project contingency in the amount of $12,210.15.

3. RFP # 07-17 RJR Enterprises, Inc: A resolution awarding RFP # 07-17 and approving a contract with RJR Enterprises Inc. in the amount of $196,000.00 for construction of improvements to Sweetbriar and Bryce Davis Parks; and approving a project contingency in the amount of $12,000.00.

4. Wilson Estes Police Architects: A resolution approving an addendum to the contract with Wilson Estes Police Architects in the amount of $35,500.00 for services associated with gaining LEED Certification for the District Court and City Prosecutor Facility.

5. HDR/EES, Inc: A resolution approving an addendum to the engineering services contract with HDR/EES, Inc. in the amount of $9,300.00 for completion of a comprehensive water and sewer rate study.