Council Agendas

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A. 1 - A. 7.

A. Consent:

1. Approval of the July 1, 2008 City Council meeting minutes.

2. Bid #08-04 Ameripride Services Inc: A resolution awarding Bid #08-04 and approving a five-year contract with Ameripride Services, Inc. to supply rental uniforms for various city divisions.

3. Bid #08-32 Williams Tractor: A resolution awarding Bid #08-32 and approving the purchase of four (4) 4WD tractor backhoes from Williams Tractor in the amount of $227,976.00 for use by the Water & Sewer and Transportation Divisions.

4. Bid #08-52 Truck Centers of Arkansas: A resolution awarding Bid #08-52 and approving the purchase of one (1) Truck-Mounted Sewer Jetter from Truck Centers of Arkansas in the amount of $154,458.00 for use by the Water & Sewer Division.

5. Stephens, Inc. Contract: A resolution approving the renewal of the contract with Stephens, Inc. as amended to act as the City of Fayetteville's benefits broker and advisor.

6. Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation: A resolution to approve three contracts for interconnection with Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation to allow the City's generators to synchronize and connect with Ozarks Electric's power grid.

7. Walker Park Neighborhood Master Plan Fee: A resolution to waive the fee normally required for a conditional use permit for property owners adversely affected by the Walker Park Neighborhood Master Plan rezonings.