Council Agendas

Friday, September 5, 2008

A. 1. - A. 8.

A. Consent:

1. Approval of the September 2, 2008 City Council meeting minutes.

2. Bid # 08-56 Hugg and Hall Equipment: A resolution to award Bid # 08-56 to Hugg and Hall Equipment in the amount of $48,300.00, plus tax of $2,979.25 for a total amount of $51,279.25 for a trailer mounted six-inch water pump.

3. Bid # 08-62 Zachary & Associates, Inc: A resolution to award Bid # 08-62 and approve the contract with Zachary and Associates to build the Gulley Park and Finger Park Pavilions at a cost of $76,337.29 with a contingency of $11,450.59.

4. David's Fire Equipment: A resolution to approve a quote from David's Fire Equipment for fire hose in the amount of $11,646.05 (including tax) and a budget adjustment in the amount of $11,700.00.

5. ADM 08-3093 (Hill Place Culvert Removal): A resolution to approve a request to modify and replant a portion of the tree preservation area associated with Hill Place PZD, in order to remove a culvert within College Branch Creek and to install a vehicular bridge, as described herein.

6. Fayetteville Animal Shelter: A resolution approving budget adjustments totaling $23,110.00 from Animal Services miscellaneous donations to meet increased supply and operational costs at the Fayetteville Animal Shelter for the remainder of 2008.

7. Carter & Burgess Inc. Amendment No. 2: A resolution approving contract Amendment No. 2 to the engineering contract with Carter & Burgess, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $28,800.00 for additional engineering services associated with the Lake Wilson Spillway Rehabilitation Project; and approving a budget adjustment.

8. FY 2008 HUD EDI - Special Project Grant Agreement: A resolution approving FY 2008 HUD EDI - Special Project Grant Agreement in the amount of $656,600.00 to fund the Fayetteville Housing Partnership; approving a developers grant agreement with Rausch Coleman Homes, LLC; and approving a budget adjustment in the amount of $656,600.00.