Council Agendas

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A. 1. - A. 13.

A. Consent:

1. Approval of the November 6, 2008 City Council meeting minutes.

2. Bid # 08-67 Roberts-McNutt, Inc: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-67 and approving a contract with Roberts-McNutt, Inc. in the amount of $38,827.00 to replace the roof of the ICH Building; and approving a project contingency in the amount of $3,882.00.

3. Bid # 08-68 Diamond International: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-68 and approving the purchase of one (1) dump truck from Diamond International in the amount of $107,147.00 for use by the Transportation Division.

4. Bid # 08-69 Stamm Manufacturing: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-69 and approving the purchase of one (1) aerial platform truck from Stamm Manufacturing in the amount of $97,336.00 for use by the Transportation/Traffic Division.

5. Bid # 08-70 Williams Tractor, Inc: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-70 and approving the purchase of one (1) front-load diesel tractor from Williams Tractor, Inc. in the amount of $68,894.00 for use at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant; and approving a budget adjustment in the amount of $25,426.00.

6. AT&T: A resolution approving the purchase of fifty (50) Pinpoint X GPS Integrated modems and antennae from AT&T through the State of Arkansas purchasing contract in the amount of $50,420.00; and approving a budget adjustment.

7. 2008 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant: A resolution accepting the 2008 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant in the amount of $16,033.56; and approving a budget adjustment recognizing the grant revenue.

8. Target Grant: A resolution authorizing the Fayetteville Police Department to accept a grant from Target in the amount of $250.00 for the purchase of Community Oriented Policing supplies; and approving a budget adjustment to recognize the grant revenue.

9. Edward Byrne Memorial Discretionary Grant: A resolution approving a budget adjustment for the Fayetteville Police Department to accept and recognize reimbursement revenues from a portion of the Edward Byrne Memorial Discretionary Grant in the projected amount of $52,000.00 for the department's participation in the Northwest Arkansas Sex Offender and Violent Crimes Task Force.

10. U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing: A resolution authorizing the Fayetteville Police Department to accept a Technology Program Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing services in the amount of $444,268.00; and approving a budget adjustment to recognize the grant revenue.

11. Act 833 Revenues: A resolution approving a 2008 Budget adjustment for the Fayetteville Fire Department in the amount of $42,288.00 to recognize Act 833 revenues for the purchase of protective gear.

12. McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. Task Order # 15: A resolution approving a notice to proceed on Task Order # 15 with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $177,600.00 for final plans & specs and bidding associated with the Runway 16 Safety Area Improvements at Drake Field.

13. Old Square, Inc: A resolution approving a two-year lease agreement with Old Square, Inc., for the annual rental amount of $7,800.00 to lease approximately 3,500 square feet for document storage.