A. Consent:
1. Approval of the December 2, 2008 and December 16, 2008 City Council meeting minutes.
2. Bid # 08-71 Golden Circle Ford: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-71 and approving the purchase of one (1) sign body truck with crane from Golden Circle Ford of Jackson, Tennessee in the amount of $73,582.00 for use by the Transportation/Traffic Division, such approval being contingent upon the sign body meeting the required specifications.
3. Bid # 08-72 Honda of Fayetteville: A resolution awarding Bid # 08-72 and approving the purchase of two (2) Honda Elements from Honda of Fayetteville in the amount of $38,516.00 for use by the Parks & Recreation and Community Resources/Code Compliance Divisions.
4. McKinney Dodge: A resolution approving the purchase of two (2) Dodge Charger Police Pursuit Sedans from McKinney Dodge of McKinney, Texas through the state vehicle purchase contract in the amount of $20,318.00 each plus approximately $7,000.00 per unit for up-fit items.
5. Patrick J. Tobin Revocable Trust: A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a quit-claim deed of approximately 5.51 acres to the Patrick J. Tobin Revocable Trust to correct a previously recorded Warranty Deed.
6. Greenland Sewer Service: A resolution to approve a two year agreement to continue sewer service for Greenland.
7. Local Police and Firemen's Pension Programs: A resolution to request legislation to fully and fairly fund Local Police and Firemen's Pension Programs.